Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
#46: Social Media Detox, Lessons from Living on the Sea
Social media. We love it, we hate it. We're addicted, we're disgusted. We crave it, we can't wait to never look it at again. What. is. the. deal? Yeah, we’re trying to figure it out, too… which is exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode.
You see, we’ve moved onto a sailboat in the Caribbean with our husbands, and it’s had us seriously reevaluating our priorities. When we left the creature comforts of 24/7 5-speed LTE internet at home, we were forced to actually… live.
And live is exactly what we’ve been doing.
We’ve spent the last 6 weeks exploring what life is like when we detach from our phones. In this episode, we jam on how freaking hard it has been to separate from scrolling while ranting on how free we feel. We discuss our decisions NOT document every aspect of our lives, some beautiful habits we’ve formed since allowing ourselves some space from Instagram, and some tips and tricks on what you can do if you’re interested in implementing social media boundaries in your own life.
There is so much beauty in technology, it allows us to connect with each other in ways other generations only dreamed of! The problem is when social media moves from a tool for connection, inspiration, and community to a comparison trap that leaves us feeling less than, unworthy, and not enough.
In fact, we're so passionate about this topic that we created a social media detox worksheet to go along with today's episode. To get your free detox worksheet, click here.
Here's to embracing a new "normal" with our phones, a normal that helps us maintain healthy boundaries, gather inspiration from likeminded people, and feel happy, healthy, and beautiful every time we open those darn apps.