Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
#53: Pick up the Pen Girlfriend, Let's Journal
Let's address the elephant in the room. See here's the thing.
We talk about journaling a lottttt on this podcast. We invite you to journal alongside us every week (hello weekly journal prompt). We encourage the ladies inside the TAD Book Club to journal alongside the books they read. And, we continue to learn about the profound benefits of journaling both through the content we digest and our personal experiences.
That's a lot of journal talk, yeah. But here's the elephant 🐘
We don't actually pick up the pen and do the damn thing.
We have this powerful tool available to us - that's 100% free - and still, we experience resistance towards the practice. Thoughts like.... what will I write, I don't have time for that, my thoughts aren't worthy of being written, this won't solve anything, what's the point, does putting pen to paper even work are probably floating through your head.
We feel you and we've been here too.
But, we've also learned the amazing benefits of this practice, motivating us to put down the negative thoughts, and pick up our pens instead. Think benefits like: decreasing anxiety and anger, lessoning the emotional impact of hardships, boosting your immunity, help with processing overwhelming feelings and regrets, and reducing daily stress - just to name a few.
In today's podcast episode, we break down the practice of journaling, so that we can say see-ya to the elephant in the room, and HELLO to feeling good! You can expect to learn more about the benefits (yes, there's more), different ways to journal, and how to start right now - like today.
So sisters, if you're needing that loving nudge to begin this proven practice, hit that PLAY button, come listen in, and of course - PICK UP YOUR PEN!
Want that weekly journal prompt? Grab it here.
*scroll down the homepage babe, you'll see the place to signup