Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
#54: The LAST Alfie Diaries.... yes, it's true
Carly here to tell you that today's episode is as raw and real as it gets.
Life takes us on all kinds of journeys. My most recent journey lead me onto a sailboat, with Allie and our husbands, to the southern end of the Caribbean.
And oh what a journey it has been. One filled with literally every range of emotion: bliss, awe, anger, frustration, confusion, excitement, and all the human feelings in between. There is nothing else like living and traveling on a sailboat. Honestly, nothing. Until you try it, you'd never know if you liked it, loved it, or absolutely hated it.
I, myself fell into all three of those categories: I liked it, I loved it, and at times... I really hated it.
I kept having this nagging feeling like I was not where I was supposed to be. Do any of you know what I mean? Like you're doing the thing you set out to do (the job, the career, the relationship, whatever), and by the time you get there you realize... this wasn't made for me at all.
I started to feel stuck. Like I had so many ideas, goals, and aspirations that I was ready to tackle, but I couldn't do them from where I was. I started realizing that sailing around the world on a sailboat was not my dream, but someone else's. I finally woke up to the realization that it was time for me to be the leader in my own life and to stop following in the footsteps of other people around me. (talkin' to you, Al.)
It's time for me to bravely walk into my own greatness. There are things I need to do, a career I need to build, and a calling that I must follow, and it has to happen off of my beloved cubby inside of Alfie.
Yup, I'm leaving the boat. Permanently.
Am I alone in this? Have you felt like where you are isn't where you belong? Like you're living someone else's dream? Are you ready to take a leap and lead for the first time in your life? Are you scared shitless to do it? All this and more is unpacked in this episode, so don't miss out. Listen in now.