Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
#57: Awakening Your Authentic Feminine Power with Lisa Schrader
Ladies, you know that feeling.
That feeling when you enjoy an amazing meal. That feeling when a yoga class soothes your soul. That feeling when you connect with a friend and she just gets it. That feeling when you have great sex and all your needs are met.
Well let us forewarn you, that's the kinda feeling you're going to experience when you tune into today's podcast.
TAD tribe, meet our feminine awakening fairy godmother, Lisa Schrader.
Lisa is the founder of Awakening Shakti, and has impacted the lives of thousands of women (for over two decades) as a workshop leader, author, speaker, and certified coach. Her work has been featured on Oprah, VHI, Oxygen, and she sits on the Shift Network faculty as the leader of the global Shakti Summit.
As you can see, our fairy godmother has some credentials.
But more importantly, Lisa emanates a woman who has awakened her feminine power and lucky for us, she's here to teach us how to do that too.
In today's episode, we share many vulnerable conversations with Lisa that center on the struggle of being a modern day woman in a culture that's dominated by masculine behavior. We dive into what awakening Shakti even is (and how to start awakening it), why women have forgotten their inherent feminine nature and how to remember it, why it's important to tune into your natural rhythm based on your life cycle moment, and the complexities behind having an intimate, sensual, fulfilling, and sacred sexual partnership.
Yes ladies, we cover all of this.
Even how to create the container for sacred sensual sex through small acts like lighting candles, skin to skin practices, and sharing openly and honestly with your partner before "sex" even begins.
If you're not feeling a heart flutter yet over today's dare to change episode, we leave you with this quote from Lisa as a final loving nudge to hit that play button and come listen in.
"You are of the Earth, you are a spark of divine Shakti energy, the energy of masculine and feminine that occurred in the moment of your conception is what made you and what is still alive in you, and the answers are inside, you can get support from people you trust to help you listen, but those answers live inside of you. You do know. It’s less about achieving and more about remembering.”