Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
#59: Three Books You Need to Live Your Truth
Important announcement: the Truth + Dare Book Club Doors are OPEN! Click here to learn more and join the sisterhood.
Welcome to a conversation about our favorite topic: books.
And not just books in general, but actually reading, finishing, discussing, and applying books to our lives to help us live our truth and dare to change.
Over the past six months, we've finished more books, thanks to the Truth + Dare Book Club, then we have in the past three years and now, we're here to share our life-changing-favorite-book recommendations with you.
Get ready ladies, we're doing a deep dive into how books can support your quest to LIVE YOUR TRUTH!
In today's episode, we share three books that have rocked us to the core, these books are: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, Untethered Soul by Michael Singer, and Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown. You'll hear us share our biggest takeaways from each book and then check in with where we're at with the book's teachings.
And per usual, we don't hold anything back. We candidly share with you how these books have challenged us, helped us, and inspired us to stay on the path of living our truth.
Which brings us to this important question......
How are your books supporting you?
If your initial reaction to this question feels something like this: What books? I can't remember the last time I opened a book, nonetheless finished a book. I don't have time to read books. I'm missing the motivation needed to apply a book's lesson to my life. What personal development book should I even read, because damn, there's so many?
Don't fret sister, we've been there, and not yearsssss ago kinda-been-there, like months ago kinda-been-there. This was the exact reason we created the Truth + Dare Book Club, which is now open for you to come join!
Let us repeat that: the BOOK CLUB DOORS ARE OPEN!
If you're wondering what all happens inside a book club, let us break it down for ya babe. If you SAY YES to joining our sisterhood, this is what's waiting for you inside.
- A community of women that are dedicated to living their truth and daring to change, these women are like our sisters, and will be yours too.
- Six hand-picked books to read for the rest of 2018, that’s one book a month ladies!
- Each month, we unpack the book right beside you by diving deep into what the author is sharing, we do this by creating and sharing weekly content for you that includes:
- Two private podcast conversations
- Two guided meditations
- Weekly journal prompts
- Love notes (aka emails) at the beginning of each week that introduce the theme and the new activity
- A guided calendar that outlines what chapters to read and when to do the activities
- A private FB community that includes conversational threads and a safe space to ask questions, share your aha moments, or just rant about how damn hard it is to live your truth and dare to change
If reading and finishing books is a goal of yours, while also learning life-changing lessons and connecting with like-hearted women, then this is the community for you.
Don't wait girlfriend, your time to LIVE YOUR TRUTH is now. Come join us inside the Truth + Dare Book Club before the doors close for good. And if you have any questions or hesitations, we're here for you. Send us an email - hello@truthanddaremovement.com - we'll be there waiting for you!
Now let's hit that play button and talk about the life-changing-favorite-book we've read so far this year!