Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
#61: Group Therapy with Alyssa Kuzins
This week, we're chatting with our dear friend and entrepreneur boss babe, Alyssa Kuzins of the Journal Deck. Think of it as three girlfriends getting together, drinking wine, and leaving it all out on the table.
Here’s how it went down: we said “screw it” to the outline we had planned and instead just pressed record. What transcribed was a beautifully healing conversation about:
- Spaciousness
- Creativity
- Certainty
- Confusion
- Self-care
- Practice
- Patience
- Entrepreneurship
- ... and just trying to figure it all out.
We’ve never had an episode quite like this, and while it’s a little scary to share this openly with all of you, it’s also really really liberating.
Welcome to group therapy, girlfriend style.
…. Oh yeah, and if Alyssa’s name is sounds familiar to you, that’s because we’ve actually had her on the show before (TAD #14). She’s kind of a jack of all trades. She’s a yoga/meditation teacher and women’s coach, she’s the creator of the Journal Deck, and she’s the head chief babe of her monthly membership community, the Self Care Collective. Trust us, you want her in your life.
Ready to feel the feels?